Fane Valley Feeds – training the sales team

August 13, 2024
August 13, 2024 Jim Irving

✅ Thank you, Fane Valley Feeds! ✅

For over 7 months now I have been working, through Sales Geek, with the great team at FANE VALLEY FEEDS LTD.

Great people – a big sense of working hard and having plenty of fun too…

Farming is an incredibly complex and rewarding sector. I think I have learned more than the team has! 😂 And so many new farming terms in my head now, that I never, ever expected to have. Silage analysis, nuts, yield, walking up the lane etc. 🤷‍♂️ It’s a very unique world…

Thanks are due to – Sales Geek for the fantastic content and support, FANE VALLEY FEEDS LTD and in particular James McKee for the opportunity, and Fergal McKenna for fixing everything!

Next month is the completion of the 8-month programme we have been working through. I will be sad to finish…

Thank you guys!

#northernireland, #ireland #farming #sales #b2bsales #salestraining #salesbooks #salesbooks USA #salesbooksUK #salesbooksIreland 


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An Old Hand for a New World
